Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
State Law
means the restraint of a person by an order, not imposed as a punishment for an offense, directing the person to remain within certain specified limits Alaska Statutes 26.05.990
means the actual custodial restraint of a person or the person’s submission to custody Arizona Laws 13-4401
means the actual custodial restraint or temporary custody of a person Arizona Laws 8-382
means the restraint of a person by an order, not imposed as a punishment for an offense, directing the person to remain within certain specified limits Arizona Laws 26-1001
means any law enforcement action, including issuance of a notice to appear or notice of violation, which results in a criminal charge California Penal Code 1463
means the restraint of a person by an order, not imposed as a punishment for an offense, directing the person to remain within certain specified limits Hawaii Revised Statutes 124B-1
includes but is not limited to taking into custody pursuant to section 232 Iowa Code 321J.1
means the taking of a person into custody Kansas Statutes 19-4708
means the taking of a person into custody in order that the person will appear to answer for the violation of an ordinance Kansas Statutes 12-4113
means taking a person into custody in the manner authorized by law Montana Code 46-1-202
New Hampshire
is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be forthcoming to answer for the commission of a crime New Hampshire Revised Statutes 594:1
means restraining an individual by an order, not imposed as a punishment for an offense, directing the individual to remain within a specified area Utah Code 39A-5-102