65 ILCS 5 Illinois Municipal Code
65 ILCS 20 Revised Cities and Villages Act of 1941
65 ILCS 25 Mayoral Election Validation Act
65 ILCS 30 Village Election Validation Act
65 ILCS 35 Village Incorporation Validation Act
65 ILCS 40 Town Incorporation Validation Act
65 ILCS 45 Municipal Tax Validation (1989) Act
65 ILCS 46 Municipal Validation Law of 2002
65 ILCS 50 Municipal Clerk Training Act
65 ILCS 55 Municipal Federal Grant Tax and Bond Act
65 ILCS 60 Delinquent Special Assessment Act
65 ILCS 65 Chicago Delinquent Special Assessment Act
65 ILCS 70 General Assistance Tax Act
65 ILCS 75 Senior Citizen Property Tax Refund Act
65 ILCS 80 Municipal Tax Compliance Act
65 ILCS 85 Municipal Electric Refunding Revenue Bond Act
65 ILCS 90 Municipal Wastewater Disposal Zones Act
65 ILCS 95 Home Equity Assurance Act
65 ILCS 97 Neighborhood Security Patrol Act
65 ILCS 100 Sports Stadium Act
65 ILCS 105 Shore Lands for Park Use Act
65 ILCS 110 Economic Development Project Area Tax Increment Allocation Act of 1995
65 ILCS 115 River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act