The certificate of the appointment of any town, borough or city director of health shall be filed with the Commissioner of Public Health by the person making such appointment, and if such director is also, by reason of any special act, the registrar of vital statistics of such municipality, the person making such appointment shall, within ten days, transmit to the Secretary of the State and to the clerk of the municipality for which such appointment is made a certified notice of such appointment. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form:

I hereby certify that …. was appointed on the …. day of …., A.D. 20.. Director of Health of the town (borough, city) of …. and, under special act, the registrar of births, marriages and deaths of such town (borough, city) from the …. day of …., A.D. 20.. until the …. day of …., A.D. 20…

Certification and Signature

Said secretary and such clerk shall each, in a book kept by him for the purpose, record the names of such registrars and may severally certify that the persons named in such records are the registrars of vital statistics of their respective towns, boroughs and cities for the period for which they were respectively appointed. Each town, borough and city director of health, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall be sworn to the faithful discharge thereof.