2024 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed — tractors and trailers

2023 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed — tractors and trailers

2022 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed — tractors and trailers.

2020 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed — tractors and trailers.

2018 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed — tractors and trailers.

2016 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed–tractors and trailers

2015 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed–tractors and trailers

2014 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed–tractors and trailers

2013 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed–tractors and trailers

2009 Missouri Laws 137.095 – Corporate property, where taxed