(1) Any judge of election who (a) knowingly receives or sanctions the reception of an improper or illegal vote from any person who is not a registered voter, (b) receives or sanctions the reception of a ballot from any person who refuses to answer any question which is put to him or her in accordance with the Election Act, (c) refuses to take the oath prescribed by the act, (d) sanctions the refusal by any other judge of election to administer any oath required by the act when such oath is required, or (e) refuses to receive or sanctions the rejection of a ballot from any registered voter at the place where such registered voter properly and legally offers to vote shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor.

Attorney's Note

Under the Nebraska Statutes, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
Class III misdemeanorup to 3 monthsup to $500
For details, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-106

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Terms Used In Nebraska Statutes 32-1519

  • Answer: The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense.
  • Election: shall mean any statewide or local primary, special, joint, or general election at which registered voters of the state or the political subdivision holding the election by ballot choose public officials or decide any questions and propositions lawfully submitted to them. See Nebraska Statutes 32-108
  • Oath: A promise to tell the truth.
  • Oath: shall include affirmation. See Nebraska Statutes 32-112
  • Person: shall include bodies politic and corporate, societies, communities, the public generally, individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, joint-stock companies, and associations. See Nebraska Statutes 49-801
  • Registered voter: shall mean an elector who has a valid voter registration record on file with the election commissioner or county clerk in the county of his or her residence. See Nebraska Statutes 32-115

(2) Any judge or clerk of election on whom any duty is enjoined by the act who willfully neglects any such duty or who engages in any corrupt conduct in the discharge of his or her duty shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor.