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Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 19-2752h

  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • county: means Sedgwick county, Kansas;

    (f) "governing body" means the board of county commissioners;

    (g) "improve" means to construct, reconstruct, maintain, restore, replace, renew, repair, install, equip, extend or to perform any work which will provide a new facility or enhance, extend or restore the value or utility of an existing facility;

    (h) "improvement" means any type of improvement made under authority of this act and includes reimprovement of a prior improvement. See Kansas Statutes 19-27,181

  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • newspaper: means any one of the official designated newspapers of the county;

    (j) "storm water and sanitary sewer systems" means any trunk lines, outfall or intercepting sewers, manholes, pumps, pumping stations, lift stations, disposal plants, and any appurtenances and apparatus necessary for the collection, storage, treatment and disposal of storm water or sanitary sewage and wastewater;

    (k) "street" means street, highway, road, alley, avenue, boulevard or other public way or any part thereof. See Kansas Statutes 19-27,181

  • Property: includes personal and real property. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See Kansas Statutes 77-201

This section shall be construed as supplemental to and as a part of Kan. Stat. Ann. §§ 19-2731 to 19-2752, inclusive, and acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Whenever in the opinion of the governing body:

(1) (a) Any sewer, drain, tile, or pipe which is connected to a lateral sewer is carrying surface or ground water to the detriment or damage of the lateral, joint, or main sewer system and the users thereof, the governing body may adopt a resolution so declaring and condemning said sewer, drain, tile, or pipe, and requiring the construction of a new sewer, drain, tile, or pipe to replace the one so condemned or requiring the reconstruction of the sewer, drain, tile, or pipe so condemned; or (b) any sanitary sewer which is not connected with any sewer system under the jurisdiction and supervision of the governing body, and which is creating a nuisance in the opinion of the secretary of health and environment, should be connected to one or more of the sewer systems under the jurisdiction and supervision of the governing body, said governing body may adopt a resolution so declaring and requiring the connection of such sewer to the system under the jurisdiction and supervision of the governing body; or (c) surface or ground water is entering any sewer, drain, tile, or pipe which is connected to a lateral sewer and as a result said lateral sewer is carrying surface or ground water to the detriment or damage of the lateral, joint, or main sewer systems and the users thereof, and that said surface or ground water is entering the sanitary sewer lines because of lack of proper grade of the ground around the house or other building which such sewer, drain, tile, or pipe serves, said board, after a hearing thereon, unless waived in writing by the owner of the property, reasonable notice of which having been given to the owner, may adopt a resolution requiring the grade of the ground around said house or building to be changed in such a manner as to prevent the entering of surface or ground water or to lessen the amount of such water entering the lateral sewer.

(2) The resolution requiring the construction or reconstruction of a sewer, drain, tile, or pipe, or the connection of a sanitary sewer to the system under the jurisdiction and supervision of the governing body, or the grading of ground, shall state the name of the owner of the property upon which the same is located, and the right of the owner to do or cause to be done at the owner’s expense the work required if the same is completed within one hundred twenty (120) days after the publication of said resolution, and in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the sewer engineer. Such resolution shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the sewer district, and a copy thereof shall be sent by registered or certified mail to the owner of said property, addressed to such owner’s last known address, and if the owner or the owner’s address is not known, said resolution shall be so mailed to the occupant of said property. If the work or connection required by the resolution is not done by the property owner within the time limited, the governing body may cause said work to be done by contract, or in the case of construction, reconstruction, or grading as distinguished from making a connection to any sewer, the governing body may disconnect from the lateral sewer of the lateral sewer district such sewer, drain, tile, or pipe which it had ordered constructed or reconstructed or the ground around the house or building which it serves graded.

The cost of all such work done by the governing body shall be assessed against the property, and when all costs are ascertained the governing body shall levy an assessment against the lot or piece of land chargeable therefor by resolution, and the property owner shall have thirty (30) days after publication of the resolution in which to make full payment of the assessment. Such resolution shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the sewer district. The county clerk shall mail a notice of the assessment not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the end of the thirty (30) days to the owner of the property as shown on the records of the office of the register of deeds. The failure of an owner to receive the notice shall not affect the validity of the assessment. Any suit challenging the validity of this proceeding or the amount of the assessment must be filed within thirty (30) days after the publication of the assessment resolution. The costs shall include the cost of materials, labor, engineering, supervision, publication expense, cost of printing, legal expenses, and all other expenses properly chargeable against the project.