The children of a Florida woman who died from scalding after falling in a shower have filed suit against medical alert system provider RescueLINK. Madge Weaver, 87, purchased a medical alert system from RescueLINK and was was wearing the medical alert pendant as she turned on the hot water for a shower. She fell in the tub, however, and her body blocked the drain. 

Madge Weaver activated her medical alert pendant after her fall, but the children allege that RescueLINK delayed contacting any family members for 10 minutes while RescueLINK attempted to get Weaver on the telephone, and never contacted nearby emergency responders. By the time a family member was contacted and reached the house, the scalding water caused second-degree burns over 24% of Weaver’s body, and she died from those injuries two days later, according to the suit. Read more.