Terms Used In Alaska Statutes 15.20.460

  • director: means the director of elections who is the chief elections officer of the state appointed in accordance with Alaska Stat. See Alaska Statutes 15.80.010
  • general election: means the election held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even-numbered years. See Alaska Statutes 15.80.010
  • lieutenant governor: includes an appointed lieutenant governor, governor, or acting governor if a vacancy has occurred in the office of lieutenant governor or governor. See Alaska Statutes 15.80.010
  • proposition: means an initiative, referendum, or constitutional amendment submitted at an election to the public for vote. See Alaska Statutes 15.80.010
  • question: means an issue placed on the ballot to determine whether a judge or justice shall be accepted or rejected, whether a constitutional convention shall be called, whether a state debt shall be contracted, or whether a state official shall be recalled. See Alaska Statutes 15.80.010

If the director determines that the application is substantially in the required form, the director shall fix the date of the recount to be held within three days after the receipt of an application requesting a recount of the general election votes cast for the office of governor and lieutenant governor and within five days after the receipt of an application requesting a recount for any other office, question, or proposition.