As used in sections 4-6, 4-7 and 4-8, the term “department head” means Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, Commissioner of Administrative Services, Commissioner of Revenue Services, Banking Commissioner, Commissioner of Children and Families, Commissioner of Consumer Protection, Commissioner of Correction, Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, State Board of Education, Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Public Health, Insurance Commissioner, Labor Commissioner, Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Commissioner of Social Services, Commissioner of Developmental Services, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Commissioner of Transportation, Commissioner of Veterans Affairs, Commissioner of Housing, Commissioner of Aging and Disability Services, the Commissioner of Early Childhood, the executive director of the Office of Health Strategy, the executive director of the Office of Military Affairs, the executive director of the Technical Education and Career System, the Chief Workforce Officer and the executive director of the Office of Higher Education. As used in sections 4-6 and 4-7, “department head” also means the Commissioner of Education.