When a legislator must take official action on a legislative matter as to which he has a conflict situation created by a personal, family, or client legislative interest, he should consider the possibility of eliminating the interest creating the conflict situation. If that is not feasible, he should consider the possibility of abstaining from such official action. In making his decision as to abstention, the following factors should be considered:
         a. whether a substantial threat to his independence
of judgment has been created by the conflict situation;
        b. the effect of his participation on public
confidence in the integrity of the legislature;
        c. whether his participation is likely to have any
significant effect on the disposition of the matter;
        d. the need for his particular contribution, such as
special knowledge of the subject matter, to the effective functioning of the legislature.
    He need not abstain if he decides to participate in a manner contrary to the economic interest which creates the conflict situation.
     If he does abstain, he should disclose that fact to his respective legislative body.