The County of Pershing is hereby created out of the following territory: All of that portion of Humboldt County, as now constituted, lying west and south of a line drawn as follows: Beginning at a point where the 7th standard parallel north crosses the westerly boundary line of Humboldt County; thence east along the 7th standard parallel north to the point of intersection of that parallel with the range line between Ranges 28 and 29 E.; thence south along the range line to the corner of Townships 34 and 35 N., Ranges 28 and 29 E.; thence east along the township parallel between Townships 34 and 35 N. to the corner of Townships 34 and 35 N., Ranges 38 and 39 E.; thence south along the range line between Ranges 38 and 39 E. to the corner of Townships 32 and 33 N., Ranges 38 and 39 E.; thence east along the township parallel between Townships 32 and 33 N. to the corner of Townships 32 and 33 N., Ranges 41 and 42 E.; thence south along the range line between Ranges 41 and 42 E. to the point of intersection of the range line with the boundary line between Humboldt and Lander Counties.

Terms Used In Nevada Revised Statutes 243.325