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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 52:4D-12

  • person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals, unless restricted by the context to an individual as distinguished from a corporate entity or specifically restricted to one or some of the above enumerated synonyms and, when used to designate the owner of property which may be the subject of an offense, includes this State, the United States, any other State of the United States as defined infra and any foreign country or government lawfully owning or possessing property within this State. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
9. a. A determination of the Attorney General to not list or to remove from the directory a brand family or tobacco product manufacturer shall be subject to review in the manner prescribed by the “Administrative Procedure Act,” P.L.1968, c.410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.).

b. No person shall be issued a license or granted a renewal of a license to act as a stamping agent, or a certificate of authority pursuant to section 6 of P.L.1990, c.39 (C. 54:40B-6), unless that person has certified in writing, under penalty of perjury that the person will comply fully with this section.

c. Notwithstanding the dates otherwise prescribed in this act:

(1) the first report required after enactment of this act by a licensed distributor or a holder of a certificate of authority pursuant to subsection a. of section 7 of this act shall be due 30 days after enactment of this act;

(2) the first certification required after enactment of this act by a tobacco product manufacturer described in subsection a. of section 3 of this act shall be due 45 days after enactment of this act; and

(3) the first publication required after enactment of this act of the directory described in subsection a. of section 4 of this act shall be completed within 90 days after the enactment of this act.

d. The Attorney General may promulgate regulations necessary to effect the purposes of this act.

e. In any action brought by the State to enforce this act, the State shall be entitled to recover the costs of investigation, expert witness fees, costs of the action and reasonable attorney fees.

f. If a court determines that a person has violated this act, the court shall order any profits, gain, gross receipts or other benefit from the violation to be disgorged and paid to the State Treasurer. Unless otherwise expressly provided, the remedies or penalties provided by this act are cumulative, and in addition to the remedies or penalties available under all other laws of this State.
