(1) The Legislative Assembly finds that:

(a) In some situations, land use regulations unfairly burden particular property owners.

(b) To address these situations, it is necessary to amend Oregon’s land use statutes to provide just compensation for unfair burdens caused by land use regulations.

(2) The purpose of ORS § 195.305 to 195.336 and sections 5 to 11, chapter 424, Oregon Laws 2007, sections 2 to 9 and 17, chapter 855, Oregon Laws 2009, and sections 2 to 7, chapter 8, Oregon Laws 2010, and the amendments to Ballot Measure 37 (2004) is to modify Ballot Measure 37 (2004) to ensure that Oregon law provides just compensation for unfair burdens while retaining Oregon’s protections for farm and forest uses and the state’s water resources. [2007 c.424 § 3]