A. A casino gaming operator may offer on-premises mobile casino gaming only to an individual who has established an on-premises mobile casino gaming account and uses such account to place wagers as follows:

Terms Used In Virginia Code 58.1-4134

  • Casino gaming establishment: means the premises, including the entire property located at the address of the licensed casino, upon which lawful casino gaming is authorized and licensed as provided in this chapter. See Virginia Code 58.1-4100
  • Casino gaming operator: means any person issued a license by the Board to operate a casino gaming establishment. See Virginia Code 58.1-4100
  • Individual: means a natural person. See Virginia Code 58.1-4100
  • On-premises mobile casino gaming: means casino gaming offered by a casino gaming operator at a casino gaming establishment using a computer network of both federal and nonfederal interoperable packet-switched data networks through which the casino gaming operator may offer casino gaming to individuals who have established an on-premises mobile casino gaming account with the casino gaming operator and who are physically present on the premises of the casino gaming establishment, as authorized by regulations promulgated by the Board. See Virginia Code 58.1-4100

1. Any wager shall be placed directly with the casino gaming operator by the account holder;

2. The casino gaming operator shall verify the account holder’s physical presence on the premises of the casino gaming establishment; and

3. The account holder shall provide the casino licensee with the correct authentication information for access to the wagering account.

B. A casino gaming operator shall not accept a wager in an amount in excess of funds on deposit in the account of the individual placing the wager.

2020, cc. 1197, 1248.