2024 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2023 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2022 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2020 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2016 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2014 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2013 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17. Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials

2009 New Jersey Statutes 53:1-17 – Supervisor to instruct, assist and co-operate with local police officials