2023 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct of election

2022 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct of election

2021 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct ofelection

2019 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct ofelection

2018 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct of election

2016 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct ofelection

2014 South Dakota Codified Laws 46A-4-83. Election ballots on dissolution of district–Form and contents–Conduct ofelection

2010 South Dakota Laws 46A-4-83 – Election on dissolution of irrigation district–Ballots, form and contents, deposit with election officers–Conduct of election