The public proceedings of each House of Congress as reported by the Official Reporters, shall be printed in the Congressional Record, which shall be issued in daily form during each session and shall be revised, printed, and bound promptly, as directed by the Joint Committee on Printing, in permanent form, for distribution during and after the close of each session of Congress. The daily and the permanent Record shall bear the same date, which shall be that of the actual day’s proceedings reported. The “usual number” of the Congressional Record may not be printed.

Terms Used In 44 USC 903

  • Congressional Record: The substantially verbatim account of daily proceedings in Congress. It is printed for each day Congress is in session. At the back of each daily issue is the "Daily Digest," which summarizes the day's floor and committee activities.
  • Joint committee: Committees including membership from both houses of teh legislature. Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation.