Terms Used In Michigan Laws 286.708

  • Label: includes all labels, and other written, printed, or graphic representation in any form, accompanying or pertaining to any seed in bulk or in containers and includes representation on invoices, bills, and letterheads. See Michigan Laws 286.702
  • Tolerance: means the allowable deviation from any percentage claim used on a label and is based on the law of normal variation from a mean. See Michigan Laws 286.702
  • Vendor: means a person engaged in the selling of seed. See Michigan Laws 286.702
     Seed labels, when found to be in error, shall be replaced by new, correct labels. Whenever, by examination of the label or by sampling and testing of the seed or by other dependable information, the label on any container of seed is found to be unlawful or to be in error beyond the limits of tolerance allowed by law, the unlawful label shall be replaced or completely covered by a new corrected label at once if the seed is of legal quality, otherwise the seed shall be removed from sale at once. Obtaining and replacing labels shall be the responsibility of the vendor who offers the seed for sale.