The chief elections officer shall keep a register of candidates for nomination at the primary election. The register, if applicable, shall contain for each major political party:

Terms Used In Oregon Statutes 254.076

  • ballot: includes material posted in a voting compartment or delivered to an elector by mail. See Oregon Statutes 254.005
  • Chief elections officer: means the:

    (a) Secretary of State, regarding a candidate for a state office or an office to be voted on in the state at large or in a congressional district, or a measure to be voted on in the state at large. See Oregon Statutes 254.005

  • Major political party: means a political party that has qualified as a major political party under ORS § 248. See Oregon Statutes 254.005
  • Prospective petition: means the information, except signatures and other identification of petition signers, required to be contained in a completed petition. See Oregon Statutes 254.005

(1) The title of each office for which the major political party will nominate candidates at the primary election.

(2) The name and mailing address of each candidate for nomination at the primary election.

(3) The name of the major political party with which the candidate is registered as affiliated.

(4) The date of filing of the prospective petition for nomination of the candidate.

(5) The date of filing of the completed petition for nomination of the candidate, the number of valid signatures contained and the number of signatures required.

(6) The date of filing of the declaration of candidacy of the candidate.

(7) Such other information as may aid the chief elections officer in arranging the official ballot for the primary election. [Formerly 249.070; 1987 c.267 § 39; 1995 c.607 § 38; 1995 c.712 § 54; 1999 c.999 § 47; 2007 c.154 § 22]


[1967 c.364 § 6; 1967 s.s. c.3 § 3; 1973 c.481 § 4; 1977 c.468 § 3; 1979 c.190 § 147; 1979 c.345 § 5; renumbered 250.085]


[Amended by 1953 c.359 § 4; 1957 c.608 § 171; repealed by 1967 c.364 § 8]


[1967 c.364 § 6; repealed by 1967 s.s. c.3 § 4]