46-23-520. Sexual or violent offender community education curriculum. (1) The department of justice shall develop a statewide community education curriculum regarding release of sexual or violent offenders into a community.

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(2)The curriculum developed under subsection (1) must contain information:

(a)for communities and neighborhoods regarding the provisions of this part as it relates to sexual or violent offenders, including the rights of residents of a community into which a sexual or violent offender is released and the duties and roles under this part of the department, law enforcement agencies, and the offender;

(b)for families and children regarding personal safety, including potential warning signs that may help to avoid victimization; and

(c)for communities, neighborhoods, families, and children regarding the restrictions imposed by 45-5-513.

(3)The curriculum developed under this section must be made available to law enforcement agencies, school districts, local governments, and other entities determined by the department of justice to be in a position to educate the public on the subject of the release of a sexual or violent offender into a community. The curriculum may be disseminated by any appropriate means, written or electronic, including by the internet.