It is hereby found and determined by the General Assembly that respite care provides relief and support to the primary care-giver of a frail adult or an adult with a disability and provides a break for the caregiver from the continuous responsibilities of care-giving. Without this support, the primary care-giver’s ability to continue in his or her role would be jeopardized; thereby increasing the risk of institutionalization of the frail adult or adult with a disability.
     By providing respite care through intermittent planned or emergency relief to the care-giver during the regular week-day, evening, and weekend hours, both the special physical and psychological needs of the primary care-giver and the frail adult or adult with a disability, who is the recipient of continuous care, shall be met reducing or preventing the need for institutionalization.
     Furthermore, the primary care-giver providing continuous care is frequently under substantial financial stress. Respite care and other supportive services sustain and preserve the primary care-giver and family caregiving unit. It is the intent of the General Assembly that this Act ensure that Illinois primary care-givers of frail adults or adults with disabilities have access to affordable, appropriate in-home respite care services.