(1) Plant pests of regulatory significance requiring immediate quarantine action. All nursery stock found to be infested or infected with or exposed to a plant pest not known to be established in the state will be quarantined, placed under stop sale using a Hold Order And Quarantine, FDACS 08016, Revised 02/10, as incorporated by reference in Fl. Admin. Code R. 5B-65.005, and will not be eligible for certification until the plant pest has been eliminated and released from quarantine and stop sale by the Department.
    (2) Plant pests of limited distribution in Florida requiring immediate quarantine action. All nursery stock found infested or infected with or exposed to a plant pest of limited distribution in Florida, including the listed species below shall be quarantined and placed under stop sale using a Stop Sale Notice and Hold Order and will not be eligible for certification until the plant pest has been eliminated and released from quarantine and stop sale by the Department.
    (a) Insects.
    1. Aleurodicus rugioperculatus — gumbo limbo whitefly
    2. Aulacaspis yasumatsui — Asian cycad scale
    3. Ceroplastes stellifer — stellate scale
    4. Diaphorina citri — Asian citrus psyllid
    5. Diaprepes abbreviatus — diaprepes root weevil
    6. Duponchelia fovealis — European pepper moth
    7. Maconellicoccus hirsutus — pink mealybug
    8. Metamasius callizona — bromeliad weevil
    9. Metamasuis hemipterus — palm and sugarcane weevil
    10. Morganella longispina — plumose scale
    11. Myllocerus undatus — Myllocerus weevil
    12. Noctua pronuba — large yellow underwing
    13. Oligonychus persae — avocado mite
    14. Opuntiaspis spp. — scale insect
    15. Paratachardina lobata — lobate lac scale
    16. Parlatoria ziziphi — black parlatoria scale insect
    17. Phalacrococcus howertoni — Howerton’s scale
    18. Philephedra sp. — scale insect
    19. Phoenicococcus marlatti — red date scale
    20. Raoiella indica — red palm mite
    21. Singhiella simplex — ficus whitefly
    22. Xyleborus glabratus — redbay ambrosia beetle
    (b) Diseases.
    1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens — crown gall
    2. Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
    3. Cucurbit leaf crumple begemovirus
    4. Cucurbit yellow stunting discorder crinivirus
    5. Guignardia citricarpa — citrus black spot
    6. Lethal yellowing of palms
    7. Pepino mosaic virus
    8. Phomopsis gardeniae — gardenia canker
    9. Phytophthora tropicalis
    10. Puccina pelargonii – zonalis – geranium rust
    11. Sphaceloma poinsettia – poinsettia scab
    12. Texas phoenix palm decline phytoplasma
    13. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (all in the complex)
    (c) Mollusks (Snails).
    1. Otala lactea – milk snail
    2. Zachrysia provisoria – Cuban land snail
    (d) Nematodes. Meloidogyne enterolobii – root-knot nematode.
    (3) All nursery stock found infested or infected with a plant pest shall be quarantined and placed under stop sale using a Hold Order And Quarantine, FDACS 08016, Revised 02/10, as incorporated by reference in Fl. Admin. Code R. 5B-62.005, when the population of the plant pest is adversely affecting the nursery stock. The nursery stock will not be eligible for certification until the plant has been eliminated and released from quarantine and stop sale by the Department.
Rulemaking Authority 570.07(23), 581.031(4), (5) FS. Law Implemented 581.031(4), (5), (6), (7), (30), 581.083, 581.101 FS. History-New 6-7-95, Amended 10-8-96, 8-26-03, 5-8-16.