Terms Used In 11 Guam Code Ann. § 24513

  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
An assessee’s application for alteration of roll shall be in such form as the board may prescribe and shall show the mailing address of the assessee or his agent or the place at which notices may be left for him. The secretary of the Board shall give notice to the assessee or his agent of the time and place at which the Board will consider his application. If a mailing address is specified in the application, the notice shall be mailed to such address; otherwise, the notice shall be left at the place specified in

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11 Guam Code Ann. FINANCE & TAXATION

the application. Such notice must be given not less than twenty- four (24) hours prior to the meeting.

SOURCE: GC § 19343.