Terms Used In Idaho Code 39-4512C

  • Artificial life-sustaining treatment: means any medical procedure or intervention that utilizes mechanical means to sustain or supplant a vital function. See Idaho Code 39-4502
  • POST form: means a form that satisfies the requirements of section 39-4512A, Idaho Code. See Idaho Code 39-4502
  • POST identification device: means jewelry worn around the wrist, neck, or ankle representing that the wearer has a POST form complying with section 39-4512A, Idaho Code, and that such person has chosen "Do Not Resuscitate: Allow Natural Death (No Code/DNR/DNAR): No CPR or advanced cardiac life support interventions" or the equivalent choice. See Idaho Code 39-4502
Health care providers shall make reasonable efforts to inquire as to whether the patient has completed a POST form and inspect the patient for a POST identification device when presented with a situation calling for artificial life-sustaining treatment not caused by severe trauma or involving mass casualties and with no indication of homicide or suicide.