Terms Used In Indiana Code 6-5.5-6-9

  • gross income: includes income from interest, fees, penalties, a market discount or other type of discount, rental income, the gain on a sale of intangible or other property evidencing a loan or extension of credit, and dividends or other income received as a means of furthering the activities set out in this subdivision. See Indiana Code 6-5.5-1-17
  • Taxpayer: means a corporation that is transacting the business of a financial institution in Indiana, including any of the following:

    Indiana Code 6-5.5-1-17

   Sec. 9. A taxpayer subject to taxation under this article shall keep and preserve records of the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income and other books or accounts necessary to determine the amount of tax for which the taxpayer is liable under this article. Those records, books, and accounts shall be kept open for examination at any time by the department or its authorized agents.

As added by P.L.347-1989(ss), SEC.1.