1.  The Legislature finds that:

(a) Energy is essential to the economy of the State and to the health, safety and welfare of the people of the State.

(b) The State has a responsibility to encourage the maintenance of a reliable and economical supply of energy at a level which is consistent with the protection of environmental quality.

(c) The State has a responsibility to encourage the utilization of a wide range of measures which reduce wasteful uses of energy resources.

(d) The State and the public have an interest in encouraging public utilities to promote and take actions toward energy conservation.

(e) Planning for energy conservation and future energy requirements should include consideration of state, regional and local plans for land use, urban expansion, transportation systems, environmental protection and economic development.

(f) Government and private enterprise need to accelerate research and development of sources of renewable energy and to improve technology related to the research and development of existing sources of energy.

(g) While government and private enterprise are seeking to accelerate research and development of sources of renewable energy, they must also prepare for and respond to the advent of competition within the electrical energy industry and are, therefore, encouraged to maximize the use of indigenous energy resources to the extent competitively and economically feasible.

(h) Prevention of delays and interruptions in providing energy, protecting environmental values and conserving energy require expanded authority and capability within State Government.

2.  It is the policy of this State to encourage participation with all levels of government and private enterprise in cooperative state, regional and national programs to assure adequate supplies of energy resources and markets for such energy resources.

3.  It is the policy of this State to assign the responsibility for managing and conserving energy and its sources to agencies whose other programs are similar, to avoid duplication of effort in developing policies and programs for energy.