A label required by section 4.1-53-12 must include:

Terms Used In North Dakota Code 4.1-53-13

1.    The lot number or other lot identification; 2.     a.    The state or foreign country in which the seed was grown; or b.    A statement indicating that the origin of the seed is unknown; 3.    The percentage by weight of all weed seed; 4.    The name of each restricted weed seed present and its rate of occurrence per pound [453.59 grams], if:

a.    In seeds of grasses and small seeded legumes, the rate of occurrence exceeds thirteen seeds per pound [453.59 grams]; or

b.    In any other agricultural seeds, the rate of occurrence exceeds five seeds per pound [453.59 grams]; 5.    The percentage by weight of any other agricultural seeds present; 6.    The percentage by weight of inert matter; 7.     a.    The percentage of germination, exclusive of hard or dormant seed; b.    The percentage of hard or dormant seed, if applicable; and

c.    The month and year in which the percentages were determined; and

8.    The full name and address of the labeler.