All of the following apply to an unincorporated nonprofit association:

Terms Used In Ohio Code 1745.08

  • Entity: includes a domestic or foreign entity. See Ohio Code 1745.05
  • Governing principles: means all agreements, whether oral, in a record, or implied from its established practices, or any combination of them, that govern the purpose or operation of an unincorporated nonprofit association and the rights and obligations of its members and managers. See Ohio Code 1745.05
  • Unincorporated nonprofit association: means an unincorporated organization, consisting of two or more members joined by mutual consent pursuant to an agreement, written, oral, or inferred from conduct, for one or more common, nonprofit purposes. See Ohio Code 1745.05

(A) It is a legal entity distinct from its members and managers.

(B) It has perpetual duration unless its governing principles specify otherwise.

(C) It has the same powers as an individual to do all things necessary or convenient to carry on its activities.

(D) It may engage in profit-making activities, but any profits from those activities shall be used or set aside for the association’s nonprofit purposes.