The department of mental health and addiction services may examine into, with or without expert assistance, the question of the mental and physical condition of any person committed to or involuntarily confined in any hospital for persons with mental illnesses, or restrained of liberty at any place within this state by reason of alleged mental illness and may order and compel the discharge of any such person who is not a person with a mental illness subject to court order as defined in division (B) of section 5122.01 of the Revised Code and direct what disposition shall be made of the person. The order of discharge shall be signed by the director of mental health and addiction services. Upon receipt of such order by the superintendent or other person in charge of the building in which the person named in such order is confined, such person shall forthwith be discharged or otherwise disposed of according to the terms of said order, and any further or other detention of such person is unlawful. No such order shall be made in favor of any person committed and held for trial on a criminal charge, in confinement by an order of a judge or court made in a criminal proceeding, or in any case unless notice is given to the superintendent or other person having charge of the building in which the alleged person with a mental illness is detained, and a reasonable opportunity is allowed the person in charge to justify further detention of the person confined.

Terms Used In Ohio Code 5119.311

  • Addiction: means the chronic and habitual use of alcoholic beverages, the use of a drug of abuse as defined in section 3719. See Ohio Code 5119.01
  • Addiction services: means services, including intervention, for the treatment of persons with alcohol, drug, or gambling addictions, and for the prevention of such addictions. See Ohio Code 5119.01
  • Hospital: means a hospital or inpatient unit licensed by the department of mental health and addiction services under section 5119. See Ohio Code 5119.01
  • Mental illness: means a substantial disorder of thought, mood, perception, orientation, or memory that grossly impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize reality, or ability to meet the ordinary demands of life. See Ohio Code 5119.01
  • Person: includes an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, and association. See Ohio Code 1.59
  • state: means the state of Ohio. See Ohio Code 1.59
  • Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.

Last updated March 10, 2023 at 12:46 PM