§ 757.077 Incorrect billings; collections; refunds

Terms Used In Oregon Statutes > Chapter 757 > General Provisions > Temporary provisions relating to study on agreements for financial assistance approved under ORS 757.072 are compiled as notes following ORS 757.072

  • board: means the governing body of a people's utility district, elected and functioning under the provisions of this chapter. See Oregon Statutes 261.010
  • district: means an incorporated people's utility district, created under the provisions of this chapter. See Oregon Statutes 261.010
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • petition: means a petition addressed to the county governing body and filed with the county clerk, containing the signatures of electors registered in the affected territory, equal to not less than three percent of the total number of votes cast for all candidates for Governor within the affected territory at the most recent election at which a candidate for Governor was elected to a full term, setting forth and particularly describing the boundaries of the parcel of territory, separate parcels of territory, city and district, or any of them, referred to therein, and requesting the county governing body to call an election to be held within the boundaries of the parcel of territory, separate parcels of territory, city and district, or any of them, for the formation of a district, the annexation of a parcel of territory or a city to a district, or the consolidation of two or more districts. See Oregon Statutes 261.010