West Virginia Code 48-10-401 – Motion for grandparent visitation when action for divorce, custody, legal separation, annulment or establishment of paternity is pending
(a) The provisions of this section apply to any pending actions for divorce, custody, legal separation, annulment or establishment of paternity.
(b) After the commencement of the action, a grandparent seeking visitation with his or her grandchild may, by motion, apply to the family court for an order granting visitation. A grandparent moving for an order of visitation will not be afforded party status, but may be called as a witness by the court, and will be subject to cross-examination by the parties.
(c) Motions or petitions for grandparent visitation shall be filed and heard in the family court except when an abuse or neglect proceeding involving the child or children is pending before the circuit court, in which case the motion or petition shall be filed and heard in the circuit court.