Terms Used In Hawaii Revised Statutes 128A-5

  • County: means any of the political subdivisions of the State, including the counties of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai and the city and county of Honolulu, but does not include the county of Kalawao. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 128A-2
  • Homeland security: means a concerted effort to:
    (1) Prevent terrorist attacks within the United States;
    (2) Reduce the State's vulnerability to attacks and terrorist activities; and
    (3) Minimize the damage and recover from attacks that occur. See Hawaii Revised Statutes 128A-2

Counties are authorized, but not required, to establish organizations for homeland security. If a county does not establish a separate organization for homeland security, the functions listed in § 128A-4 shall be incorporated into the responsibilities of the county emergency management agency.