A prescriber or pharmacist may authorize a prescriber delegate or pharmacist delegate to request prescription monitoring data on behalf of the prescriber or pharmacist if:

(1) The prescriber or pharmacist takes reasonable steps to ensure that the prescriber delegate or pharmacist delegate is competent in the use of the Program;

(2) The prescriber or pharmacist remains responsible for:

(i) Ensuring that access to the Program by the prescriber delegate or pharmacist delegate is limited to purposes authorized by law;

(ii) Protecting the confidentiality of the prescription monitoring data; and

(iii) Any breach of confidentiality by the prescriber delegate or pharmacist delegate; and

(3) The decision whether to prescribe or dispense a monitored prescription drug for a patient:

(i) Remains with the prescriber or pharmacist; and

(ii) Is reasonably informed by the prescription monitoring data obtained from the Program.