Terms Used In Michigan Laws 333.1061a

  • Actual notice: includes the physical presentation of an order, a revocation of an order, or another written document authorized under this act from or on behalf of a declarant. See Michigan Laws 333.1052
  • order: means a document executed under this act directing that, if an individual suffers cessation of both spontaneous respiration and circulation in a setting outside of a hospital, resuscitation will not be initiated. See Michigan Laws 333.1052
  • Public health code: means the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333. See Michigan Laws 333.1052
    (1) If a health professional described in section 11 has actual notice of a do-not-resuscitate order and is aware of the existence of a validly executed POST form under part 56B of the public health code, MCL 333.5671 to 333.5685, that contains a medical order regarding the initiation of resuscitation if the individual suffers cessation of both spontaneous respiration and circulation, the health professional shall comply with the most recent order or form.
    (2) As used in this section, “POST form” means that term as defined in section 5674 of the public health code, MCL 333.5674.