The State Sealer of Measurement Standards shall:

1.  Ensure that weights and measures used in commercial services and cannabis establishments within this state are suitable for their intended use, are properly installed and accurate, and are so maintained by their owner or user.

2.  Prevent unfair or deceptive dealing by weight or measure in any commodity or service advertised, packaged, sold or purchased within this state.

3.  Make available to all users of field reference standards and transfer standards, or of weighing and measuring equipment, the precision calibration and related metrological certification capabilities of the facilities of the Division.

4.  Promote uniformity, to the extent practicable and desirable, between the requirements relating to weights and measures of this state and similar requirements of other states and federal agencies.

5.  Adopt regulations establishing such requirements relating to weights and measures as are necessary to ensure equity between buyers and sellers, and thereby encourage desirable economic growth while protecting consumers.