For the purposes of this article:

(1) "Nursing home" means a facility with an organized nursing staff to maintain and operate organized facilities and services to accommodate two or more unrelated persons over a period exceeding twenty-four hours, which is operated either in connection with a hospital or as a freestanding facility for the express or implied purpose of providing intermediate or skilled nursing care for persons who are not in need of hospital care. Rehabilitative therapies may be provided on an outpatient basis.

(2) "Medicaid nursing home permit" means a permit to serve Medicaid patients in an appropriately certified nursing home.

(3) "Medicaid patient" means a person who is eligible for Medicaid (Title XIX) sponsored long-term care services.

(4) "Medicaid patient day" means a day of nursing home care for which a nursing home receives Medicaid reimbursement.

(5) "Medicaid permit day" means a day of service provided to a Medicaid patient in a Medicaid-certified nursing home which holds a Medicaid days permit.

(6) "Department" means the Department of Health and Environmental Control.