At the meeting so called the following question shall be put to vote:
   “Shall the title to all the property of the (name of society) be vested in the ………. BAPTIST CHURCH of ………….. Michigan and the said society be dissolved?”
   The vote shall be by ballot and if 2/3 of the ballots cast shall be in the affirmative a duly certified copy of such resolution shall be transmitted to the clerk of said church who shall call a meeting of said church which shall then prepare, execute and place on record articles of association under and in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 54 of the Public Acts of 1899, and the amendments thereto, or such other act of the state of Michigan as may authorize the incorporation of churches and upon recording of said articles of association as provided in said act the said society shall be dissolved and all property owned by it shall pass to and be held by the said church so incorporated under the name and style adopted by it in the said articles of association and all liabilities of said society shall be assumed and paid by said church.