Lodgers prohibited. The health officer or such other appropriate public official as the mayor may designate may prohibit in any multiple dwelling the letting of lodgings therein by any of the tenants occupying such multiple dwelling, and may prescribe conditions under which lodgers or boarders may be taken in multiple-dwellings. It shall be the duty of the owner in the case of multiple-dwellings to see that the requirements of the health officer or such other appropriate public official as the mayor may designate in this regard are at all times complied with, and a failure to so comply on the part of any tenant, after due and proper notice from said owner or from the health officer or such other appropriate public official as the mayor may designate shall be deemed sufficient cause for the summary eviction of such tenant and the cancellation of his lease. The provisions of this section may be extended to private dwellings and 2 family dwellings, as may be found necessary by the health officer, or by such other appropriate public official as the mayor may designate.