A. In addition to the prohibited employments under section 23-231, unless a variance is granted pursuant to section 23-241, a person shall not employ or allow a person under the age of sixteen years to work in, about or in connection with:

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 23-232

  • Construction: means building, altering, repairing, adding to, subtracting from, improving, moving, wrecking or demolishing a building, highway, road, railroad, excavation or other structure, project, development or improvement, including the erection and use of scaffolding or a similar structure and providing mechanical or structural service for a structure, project, development or improvement. See Arizona Laws 23-230
  • Hazardous agricultural chemicals: means any substance that has a toxicity level that requires manufacturer or distributor labeling as category I, category II and category III toxicity in accordance with the regulations adopted by the administrator pursuant to the federal environmental pesticide control act of 1972, as amended. See Arizona Laws 23-230
  • including: means not limited to and is not a term of exclusion. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Manufacturing: means designing, assembling, fabricating, producing, constructing or preparing a product or part of a product before sale or use. See Arizona Laws 23-230
  • Person: includes a corporation, company, partnership, firm, association or society, as well as a natural person. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Processing: means an activity involving an addition to, subtraction from, change in or cleaning of any food or foodstuff including filleting fish, dressing poultry or cracking nuts. See Arizona Laws 23-230
  • Warehousing: means loading, unloading, storing or otherwise moving any item or items to and from trucks, railroad cars, conveyors and buildings. See Arizona Laws 23-230

1. Manufacturing.

2. Processing.

3. Laundering or dry cleaning in a commercial laundry.

4. Warehousing.

5. Construction.

6. Boiler, furnace or engine rooms.

7. Occupations, including window washing, involving work from a ladder, scaffold, window sill or similar structure or place more than five feet in height.

8. Any of the following activities in a retail food or gasoline service establishment:

(a) Maintenance or repair of machines or equipment of the establishment, except work in connection with cars and trucks if confined to dispensing gasoline and oil, courtesy service, car cleaning, washing and polishing but not including work involving the inflation of any tire mounted on a rim equipped with a removable retaining ring.

(b) Cooking and baking, except at soda fountains, lunch counters, snack bars or cafeteria serving counters.

(c) Setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling or repairing power-driven food slicers, grinders, choppers and cutters.

(d) All work in preparation of meats for sale, except wrapping, sealing, labeling, weighing, pricing and stocking.

9. Any of the following activities in agriculture:

(a) Operating a tractor over twenty power take off horsepower that is not equipped with a rollover protective structure and seatbelts.

(b) Connecting or disconnecting an implement or any of its parts to or from a tractor over twenty power take off horsepower.

(c) Operating a corn picker, cotton picker, grain combine, hay mower, forage harvester, hay baler, potato harvester, mobile pea viner, feed grinder, crop dryer, forage blower, auger conveyor or self-unloading wagon, power post hole digger, power-driven nonwalking rotary type tiller, trencher or earthmoving equipment or potato combine. In this subdivision "operating" means starting, stopping, adjusting, feeding or any other activity regarding physical conduct associated with such machines and machinery.

(d) Working in a pen occupied by a bull, boar or stud horse maintained for breeding purposes, a sow with young pigs or a cow with a newborn calf.

(e) Felling, bucking, skidding or unloading timber with butt more than six inches in diameter.

(f) Picking or pruning from a ladder over eight feet in height.

(g) Riding on a tractor as a helper or driving a bus, truck or automobile.

(h) Working inside a fruit storage area or grain storage area designed to retain an oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere, an upright silo within two weeks after silage has been added, a manure pit or operating a tractor for packing purposes in a horizontal silo.

(i) Handling hazardous agricultural chemicals.

(j) Handling explosives.

(k) Transporting, transferring or applying anhydrous ammonia.

B. The industrial commission may by regulation declare any other occupation to be dangerous to lives or limbs or injurious to the health and morals of persons under sixteen years of age and prohibit the employment or allowance to work in, about or in connection with the occupations by such persons unless a variance is granted.