The boundary lines of Lafayette County are as follows: Beginning at a point where township line between townships seven and eight south intersects and crosses the Suwannee River; thence west on said township line to the southeast corner of section thirty-one, township seven south, range ten east; thence north on the east line of said section thirty-one and other sections to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section seven, township seven south, range ten east; thence due west to the range line dividing ranges nine and ten east; thence north on said range line to the northwest corner of township three south, range ten east; thence east on the township line dividing townships two and three south, to where same intersects the Suwannee River; thence southerly following the thread of said river to the place of beginning.

s. 2, ch. 806, 1856; s. 1, ch. 921, 1858; ch. 3470, 1883