Annual Statements are required to be filed with the Office, on or before March 1 of each year, on Form OIR-A3-456, “”Annual Statement for Service Warranty Association,”” effective 5/20, hereby incorporated by reference and available at, and Form OIR-A3-458, “”Annual Filing Statement for Publicly Held Corporations – SEC Filings,”” effective 07/23, hereby incorporated by reference and available at The filings shall be submitted electronically via the Office’s system at If the Annual Statements are not complete to include all information requested in the format provided, they will not be deemed filed until all deficiencies are corrected.
Rulemaking Authority 634.402 FS. Law Implemented 624.424, 634.415, 634.516(1) FS. History-New 12-26-88, Amended 4-26-90, Formerly 4-67.012, 4-198.012, Amended 7-30-17, 5-25-21, 1-4-24.