§ 946. Minimum work standards for the conduct of mold remediation by licensed persons. 1. A mold remediation licensee shall prepare a mold remediation work plan that is specific to each project, fulfills all the requirements of the mold remediation plan developed by the mold assessment licensee as provided to the client and provides specific instructions and/or standard operating procedures for how a mold remediation project will be performed. The mold remediation licensee shall provide the mold remediation work plan to the client before site preparation work begins.

Terms Used In N.Y. Labor Law 946

  • Mold: means any indoor multi-cellular fungi growth capable of creating toxins that can cause pulmonary, respiratory, neurological or other major illnesses after minimal exposure, as such exposure is defined by the environmental protection agency, centers for disease control and prevention, national institute of health, or other federal, state, or local agency organized to study and/or protect human health. See N.Y. Labor Law 930
  • Mold assessment: means an inspection or assessment of real property that is designed to discover mold, conditions that facilitate mold, indicia of conditions that are likely to facilitate mold, or any combination thereof. See N.Y. Labor Law 930
  • Mold remediation: means conducting the business of removal, cleaning, sanitizing, or surface disinfection of mold, mold containment, and waste handling of mold and materials used to remove mold from surfaces by a business enterprise, including but not limited to, sole proprietorships. See N.Y. Labor Law 930
  • Project: means mold remediation, mold assessment, or mold abatement, of areas greater than ten square feet, but does not include (a) routine cleaning or (b) construction, maintenance, repair or demolition of buildings, structures or fixtures undertaken for purposes other than mold remediation or abatement. See N.Y. Labor Law 930

2. If a mold assessment licensee specifies in the mold remediation plan that personal protection equipment (PPE) is required for the project, the mold remediation licensee shall provide the specified PPE to all employees who engage in remediation activities and who will, or are anticipated to, disturb or remove mold contamination. The containment, when constructed as described in the remediation work plan and under normal conditions of use, must prevent the spread of mold to areas outside the containment.

3. Signs advising that a mold remediation project is in progress shall be displayed at all accessible entrances to remediation areas.

4. No person shall remove or dismantle any containment structures or materials from a project site prior to receipt by the mold remediation licensee overseeing the project of a notice from a mold assessment licensee that the project has achieved clearance as described in section nine hundred forty-seven of this title.

5. Disinfectants, biocides and antimicrobial coatings may be used only if their use is specified in a mold remediation plan, if they are registered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the intended use and if the use is consistent with the manufacturer's labeling instructions. If a plan specifies the use of such a product but does not specify the brand or type of product, a mold remediation licensee may select the brand or type of product to be used. A decision by a mold assessment or remediation licensee to use such a product must take into account the potential for occupant sensitivities and possible adverse reactions to chemicals that have the potential to be off-gassed from surfaces coated with the product.