§ 9.401 Alienability of Debtor’s Rights
§ 9.402 Secured Party Not Obligated On Contract of Debtor Or In Tort
§ 9.403 Agreement Not To Assert Defenses Against Assignee
§ 9.404 Rights Acquired By Assignee; Claims and Defenses Against Assignee
§ 9.405 Modification of Assigned Contract
§ 9.406 Discharge of Account Debtor; Notification of Assignment; Identification and Proof of Assignment; Restrictions On Assignment of Accounts, Chattel Paper, Payment Intangibles, and Promissory Notes Ineffective
§ 9.407 Restrictions On Creation Or Enforcement of Security Interest In Leasehold Interest Or In Lessor’s Residual Interest
§ 9.408 Restrictions On Assignment of Promissory Notes, Health-Care-Insurance Receivables, and Certain General Intangibles Ineffective
§ 9.409 Restrictions On Assignment of Letter-Of-Credit Rights Ineffective