A housing rehabilitation area plan must contain relevant information about the area, including:
(1) a description of the physical, social, and economic characteristics of the area;
(2) a description of the housing conditions in the area;
(3) an assessment of the need for housing rehabilitation loans in the area, including:
(A) the number and characteristics of households in the area; and
(B) the average and total loan amounts needed;
(4) a description of the methods by which the local government preparing the plan will determine whether the rehabilitation of housing in the area is economically feasible;
(5) a description of the methods by which:
(A) rehabilitation work will be supervised; and
(B) compliance with departmental regulations governing materials, fixtures, and rehabilitation contracts will be ensured;
(6) a description of the methods and procedures that will be used to enforce:
(A) local housing, building, fire, and related codes; or
(B) the standards adopted by the department under Section 2304.005, if codes of those types have not been enacted;
(7) an assessment of the need for additional public improvements and public services in the area and a description of the specific means by which the improvements and services will be provided; and
(8) a description of the methods by which private investment to improve conditions in the area will be encouraged.