In this subchapter:
(1) “Poultry” means chickens or ducks being raised or kept on any premises in the state for profit.
(2) “Poultry carcass” means the carcass, or part of a carcass, of poultry that died as a result of a cause other than intentional slaughter for use for human consumption.
(3) “Poultry facility” means a facility that:
(A) is used to raise, grow, feed, or otherwise produce poultry for commercial purposes; or
(B) is a commercial poultry hatchery that is used to produce chicks or ducklings.
(4) “Poultry litter” includes poultry excrement, bedding, and feed waste.
(5) “Liquid waste handling system” has the meaning assigned by § 26.0286.