11-58-305.  Executive director.

(1)  The board shall hire and oversee a full-time executive director.

Terms Used In Utah Code 11-58-305


(a)  The executive director is the chief executive officer of the authority.

(b)  The role of the executive director is to:

(i)  manage and oversee the day-to-day operations of the authority;

(ii)  fulfill the executive and administrative duties and responsibilities of the authority; and

(iii)  perform other functions, as directed by the board.

(3)  The executive director shall have the education, experience, and training necessary to perform the executive director’s duties in a way that maximizes the potential for successfully achieving and implementing the strategies, policies, and objectives stated in Subsection 11-58-203(1).

(4)  An executive director is an at-will employee who serves at the pleasure of the board and may be removed by the board at any time.

(5)  The board shall establish the duties, compensation, and benefits of an executive director.

Amended by Chapter 82, 2022 General Session