2024 43 CFR 50.12 – What documentation is required to demonstrate how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document?

2023 43 CFR 50.12 – What documentation is required to demonstrate how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document?

2022 43 CFR 50.12 – What documentation is required to demonstrate how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document?

2020 43 CFR 50.12 – What documentation is required to demonstrate how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document?

2019 43 CFR 50.12 – What documentation is required to demonstrate how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document?

2016 43 CFR 50.12 – What documentation is required to demonstrate how the Native Hawaiian community determined who could participate in ratifying the governing document?