Funds appropriated to the Judicial Department for purposes of implementing subsection (a) of § 17a-77, subsection (c) of § 17a-78, subsection (d) of § 17a-274, subsection (b) of § 17a-498, subsection (b) of § 45a-716, sections 45a-717, 46b-571 and 45a-654, subsection (h) of § 19a-265, subsection (g) of § 17a-498, subsection (c) of § 17a-502, § 17a-510, subsection (c) of § 45a-111, sections 45a-132a and 45a-620, subsection (b) of § 45a-649, subsection (c) of § 45a-660, § 45a-673, subsection (a) of § 45a-681 and § 45a-708 shall be appropriated to a specific “other current expense” account.