(1) Application for the registration of a vehicle required to be registered under the provisions of section 49-401A, Idaho Code, shall be made to the assessor or the department as specified in that section, by the owner upon the appropriate form. Every application shall contain the owner’s Idaho driver’s license number, Idaho identification card number, social security number or individual taxpayer identification number. In the case of a business, the employer tax identification number is required. Every application shall also contain the owner’s true and full legal name. In the event that the owner does not possess a social security number, individual taxpayer identification number, Idaho driver’s license number, or Idaho identification card number, the owner shall present written documentation sufficient to the department to determine that no social security number has been issued. In the event that a business, trust or other statutorily created entity is not required to have and does not possess an employer tax identification number, the applicant shall provide a written statement certifying that the entity does not possess an employer tax identification number. Such application must be signed by the owner and contain his residence address and mailing address, if different, and a brief description of the vehicle to be registered, including the name of the maker, the type of fuel used, and the identification number. If an applicant has submitted an application pursuant to the provisions of chapter 58, title 19, Idaho Code, then the applicant may state in the application required pursuant to this section the applicant’s alternative Idaho mailing address in place of his or her residence address. Upon registration of a new vehicle, the application shall also show the date of sale by the manufacturer or dealer to the person first operating such vehicle. The application shall contain any other information as may be required by the department and shall contain a provision that allows an owner to choose to participate in the Idaho state parks passport program. The assessor shall issue to the applicant a receipt for any fee paid. Social security numbers collected shall not appear on certificates of registration, and all applications on file shall be exempt from disclosure, except as provided in sections 49-202, 49-203 and 49-203A, Idaho Code.
(2)  The assessor shall record on a form prescribed and furnished by the department, the names of all owners of vehicles residing in the county who make application for registration, together with the amounts of the fees paid by such owners.

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Terms Used In Idaho Code 49-401B

  • person: includes a corporation as well as a natural person;
Idaho Code 73-114
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories; and the words "United States" may include the District of Columbia and territories. See Idaho Code 73-114
  • (3)  When application for registration is made by any motor carrier, the assessor or the department shall require each such applicant to execute a certification of safety compliance.
    (4)  Vehicles registered under the proportional registration provisions of section 49-435, Idaho Code, shall be registered by the department.
    (5)  Every owner of a vehicle registered by a county assessor shall give his physical domicile residence address or the business physical principal address to the assessor so that the proper county can be entered upon the registration. Failure to do so shall be unlawful. The department shall then attribute the registration, and all fees to be apportioned to the highway distribution account, to the county of residence regardless of the county in which the registration occurred. Fees imposed under the provisions of sections 40-827 and 40-1416, Idaho Code, shall be separately identified and accounted for, and paid to the highway district for which collected. Fees collected in addition to vehicle registration fees for the Idaho state parks passport program, as provided in section 49-402(11), Idaho Code, shall be separately identified and accounted for and paid to the state treasurer on a monthly basis to be deposited in the park and recreation fund as specified in section 49-402(11), Idaho Code. For the purposes of vehicle registration, a person is an actual and permanent resident of the county in which he has his principal residence or domicile. A principal residence or domicile shall not be a person’s workplace, vacation, or part-time residence.
    (6)  A violation of the provisions of this section shall be an infraction.