Terms Used In Vermont Statutes Title 20 Sec. 2601

  • real estate: shall include lands, tenements, and hereditaments and all rights thereto and interests therein, and pews or slips in places of public worship shall be treated as real estate. See
  • Town: shall include city and wards or precincts therein; "selectboard members" and "board of civil authority" shall extend to and include the mayor and aldermen of cities; "trustees" shall extend to and include bailiffs of incorporated villages; and the laws applicable to the inhabitants and officers of towns shall be applicable to the inhabitants and similar officers of all municipal corporations. See

§ 2601. Generally

A fire district may vote to adopt the town manager system in compliance with 24 Vt. Stat. Ann. chapter 37. It may vote a tax upon the taxable estate for the protection of property in the district from damage by fire; for the acquisition, construction, and maintenance of sewers and sewage treatment works; sidewalks; public parks; water works, water companies, and equipment and real estate used in connection therewith, including reservoirs and dams; for lighting; and for other lawful purposes. The prudential committee and collector shall have the same power in assessing, levying, and collecting the tax, as town officers have in assessing and collecting town taxes, including the collection of interest on overdue taxes. The prudential committee may expend such sums for acquiring, constructing, and maintaining sewers and sewage treatment works; sidewalks; public parks; water works, water companies, and all equipment and real estate used in connection therewith, including reservoirs and dams; and for lighting purposes as the fire district may vote. The committee may use and occupy such portions of the highways within the district as may be necessary for constructing and maintaining sewers and sewage treatment works; sidewalks; public parks; water works and mains, and for lighting purposes. (Amended 1969, No. 223 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. March 31, 1970; 1981, No. 133 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. April 2, 1982.)